R3 is a family of everyday people.
We depend on regular folks like yourself so that we can stay in the business of doing good.
​We encourage anyone interested in investing in our mission to set up a monthly gift online.
Monthly donations allow us to most efficiently plan for ways to help build better futures for our young people.
Our giving platform conveniently allows you to customize your giving amount and frequency (i.e., monthly, annual, etc.).
For more information on our programs and funding, please contact info@r3development.org.
If you would like to donate by check, please send to:
R3 Development NFP
P.O. Box 2197
East St. Louis, IL 62202
R3 Development is a 501(c)3 organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
R3 Development NFP sends out an annual gift receipt acknowledging single or cumulative donations greater than $250 before January 31. For example, any gift occurring during the calendar year of 2021 will be acknowledged by January 31, 2022. Additional receipts or acknowledgments are available upon request. For example, if you donate materials to the organization,
R3 will be happy to provide the necessary documentation acknowledging your gift.